Thursday, January 28, 2010

I hate when the Broncos lose.

I really hate when the Broncos lose. Since they lost a lot this season, I was mad a lot. I'm not as bad as when I was little, because when the Broncos lost when I was little I would cry. I remember that one time I went to bed because the Broncos were losing, but then 20 minutes later my dad woke me up and told me the game was tied and it was going into over time. Can you imagine my joy that the Broncos were going to win!! The Broncos lost the coin toss and ended up getting beat. Man, I was mad at my dad and the Broncos for a week. That's how I feel when the Broncos lose.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My little friend is gone!!

This is my new hamster. Unfortunately he died last night and turned a black and white color. It is really very sad because I just got him at Christmas and we were starting to get so close. If you would just give me a moment of silence in remembrance of this great little hamster.

Friday, January 22, 2010

My favorite teacher

My favorite teacher ever is my 4th grade teacher, she is my favorite teacher because she has the same sense of humor as me. I was always able to make her laugh with my jokes. It's funny because she was also my 1st grade teacher. I've known her for along time. That's why my favorite teacher ever was my 4th grade teacher.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Helloooo! Welcome to the pwner's blog. Pwner is a word that is similar to the winner, and I'm the best. I like the Denver Broncos, basketball, and food! My favorite foods are tacos, burgers, and steak. I am currently playing on a basketball team. My team played in a tournament a week ago and my team won 1 out of 2 games. Go Broncos!!